So everybody is raving about Revlon Girly... I bought this not too long ago and it sat in my untrieds until all of this hype... I had read that it was a bit sheer and thought it would look perfect with another of my untrieds (most of my polish is untried at the moment cause I am buying faster than I can slather it onto my fingers) Revlon Flirt. It is the perfect pairing
... absolutely perfect!
So this is Flirt on its own in two coats. I thought it would be a cute purplish pink. Its unlike any other color I own and I own tons of pink and purple, I love it!
(Not too much difference here between the first and the second pic except the second one has topcoat.)
This is one coat of Girly over the two coats of Flirt. I think this makes it look just like Girly does in the bottle... Its almost like they were made for eachother!
I love this pairing... what about you guys? What kind of combinations have you come up with or do you prefer Girly on its own? (I havent tried that yet... )
})i({ - Amy
Hi there, I used one of your pictures on my blog here --> Hope that's OK, I ADORE this polish and wanted to feature it as part of my very first post! :)